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It’s that time of year again! The 8th annual iPhone Photography Awards (IPPA) are currently open to submissions from around the world, with an entry deadline of March 31, 2015. Not only does this competition focus on mobile photography, but it’s exclusively for iOS users who take their photos on an iPhone, iPad or iPod. In this article you’ll discover more about the IPPA, how to enter your iPhone photos and what great prizes you can win!

Why A Competition For iOS Users Only?

So why are the iPhone Photography Awards only open to users of iPhones (and other iOS camera devices including iPads and iPods)?

The organizers have stated that, “The reason we started IPPAWARDS is because of the fundamental effect iPhones had on behaviors of the mobile phone users. The simplicity and the intuitiveness of the user interface had a bigger impact than the technology it was using.”

So what they’re saying is that the ease of use and intuitive functionality of the original iPhones actually made it more attractive for people to start using their iPhones as serious photography tools even before they had matured technologically.

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