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Garuda Indonesia has spotlighted me as their Masterclass: Exploration Photographer.

I’m humbled that Garuda Indonesia honored me with such a nice 5 page write-up focusing on landscape, exploration, travel and mobile photography.

Here is the article’s intro: “Julio Lucas is a creative whizz, whose portfolio embraces branding, motion graphics, video, mobile applications, websites and more. While he enjoys working with digital mediums, he also appreciates the traditional, such as graphite pencil on drawing paper. Named 2014 photographer of the year…”

Julio Lucas adalah sosok genius yang kreatif, degan sejumlah pengalaman dalam branding, motion graphics, video, mobile applications, dan situ. Dia juga sangat mengapresiasi media manual seperti pensil dan kerta gambar. Photographer of the year…”

Thank you ( ) for this opportunity and congratulations on recently being name a 5 Star International Airline.


Click here to read the article

Garuda Indonesia is a National Airline which serves 40 domestic routes and 36 international routes. The airline is currently position as one of Asia’s most successful and profitable international airline.


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