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I received a couple of emails that I’m proud to share with you. Since starting my advertising and design career way back in 2004. I’ve always seen Getty Images as the best source of stock imagery and stock video footage on the Internet. However the prices associated with those stock images and stock footage have always made Getty Images a bit out my reach… well at least until now.

A couple of weeks after posting online a star trail video I shot, I receive an email from a Getty Images curator. I later found out that Getty Images was offering a hand-selected group of filmmakers the opportunity to make their footage available for commercial use through Their aim with this offer is to bring on a new range of expert filmmakers who will contribute to their ‘high-end’ Royalty Free and Rights Ready creative titled “Moment Video” collection, which they thought my work was a good fit.

From Getty Images:

Hello Julio Lucas,

Congratulations! You are now part of a select group of artists working with Getty Images to bring the best of your creative vision to the commercial marketplace.  Getty Images ( ) has a phenomenal platform, extensive licensing expertise and a worldwide customer base, and we are excited to be working with you.

Thanks again for enrolling!

The Getty Images Contributor Services Team

As I strive this year to redefine myself as a creative professional these emails  from Getty Images mean a lot to me. It’s a positive sign that all the late nights, really long work weekends, sacrifices and constant attempts to improve upon my craft are starting to pay off.

I set huge goals for myself in 2014 and I’m on my way to achieving them. This is one of those moments were it pays to work hard and aim for the “Stars”.  Thank you all for your continued support!

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